Pension Trace

How does The Pension Tracing Service work?

Our pension tracing service requires 3 simple steps before we start the tracing process. Our 3 simple steps are very straight forward and is the start of your journey with regards to tracing your pensions.


We will conduct an initial search to locate where your pension may be. However to confirm we need your written authorisation due to data protection laws. We can also get in contact with you via email or phone to get all the information we need to start the tracing process. Although we are able to assist you with your lost pensions, we do need to have written permission.

We will write out to various pension providers to locate your lost pensions, either through private or workplace schemes. Our service will seek out every avenue to get all the information you need. We even have access to the pension scheme registry which means we can access up to 200,000 schemes.
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